If you ask people what they want, they'll often say that they want a new car, a better job, a bigger house, or some other possession. But if you probe a little deeper, you'll find that they don't really want possessions. Rather, they desire a sense of fulfillment, a feeling of being loved and cherished.
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Ascension Sunday—May 13, 2018
This Sunday we are presented with a Gospel reading that should deeply challenge us. These are readings that remind us of who we really are—disciples of Jesus Christ. We are not only his friends, called to stay near to him, but we are also his missionaries, called to go out and to spread his Good ...
Letter of Pope John Paul II to Women ...
Letter of Pope John Paul II to Women
Lecture Series by Sr. Mary Madeline Todd, O.P. -
Chapter 13: “Share Prayer”
Julianne gives five practical steps to “share prayer” so that you can begin doing this today!