Mission of the Messiah: On the Gospel of Luke by Dr. Timothy Gray
Mission of the Messiah is a compelling study of the Gospel of Luke that presents the messianic mission of Jesus as the fulfillment of Old Testament prophecy. The review questions at the end of each chapter provide fresh material for individual reflection or group discussion. This book is a must for anyone whose heart is burning to know and love Christ more profoundly.
From the Introduction: The goal of this study of Luke is to give a taste of that Bible study Jesus gave on the road to Emmaus. As we study God’s holy Word, our hearts too will burn with the fire of God’s love (cf. Lk. 12:49), just as the disciples experienced God’s love on the dusty road to Emmaus. If we read the Gospel with prayer and contemplation like Saint Thérèse, we too shall find “fresh lights there, hidden and enthralling meanings.”