Metanoia: A Journey With Christ Into Conversion

Metanoia: A Journey With Christ Into Conversion

METANOIA - and believe in the Gospel. In the Gospel of Mark, the first words of Jesus are an invitation to metanoia, to repent, to change, to be converted. This series is beautifully filmed on location in the Holy Land, highlighting sacred places such as the Sea of Galilee, the River Jordan, the desert of Temptations, and many of the holy sites in Jerusalem.

Each of the 10 episodes explores areas of our life where conversion is so often necessary. Metanoia will examine topics such as who is Jesus, what must we do to inherit eternal life, and many other significant matters of faith. With preaching from Fr. Dave as well as personal testimonies from men and women, young and old, religious and lay, their stories will inspire you to seek to encounter Jesus and the new life he is constantly inviting us to. Metanoia is a production of The Ministry of the Wild Goose and 4PM Media in association with Franciscan University of Steubenville and the Franciscan Friars TOR Province of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus.

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Metanoia: A Journey With Christ Into Conversion
  • Who Do You Say That I Am? | Metanoia | Episode 1

    Jesus takes his disciples to Caesarea Philippi, a place riddled with images of pagan gods and idols. It is important that Jesus brings them to this place that elicits many images of gods. Jesus asks the disciples who people think he is. There are all kinds of various answers, but the significant ...

  • What Must I Do To Inherit Eternal Life | Metanoia | Episode 2

    Perhaps the most important question every person needs to be able to answer is this: What do I need to do in order to inherit eternal life? How do I get to heaven? Many people oversimplify their answer to this question and believe that it is enough to simply be a good person, to avoid breaking th...

  • Death and Life | Metanoia | Episode 3

    There is a paradox in the life of a Christian: In order to live, one must die. If one hopes to become great, one must first become little. Jesus says from the beginning that if people want to follow him, then they must deny themselves and pick up their cross. Self denial, difficulties, crosses an...

  • Sin and Mercy | Metanoia | Episode 4

    It is important to take sin seriously because Jesus takes sin seriously. Sin wounds the heart of Christ, offends God, and wreaks havoc on human relationships. However, sin is not a stumbling block for God’s love. In fact, perhaps it is the opposite. God has mercy and compassion towards sinners. I...

  • Jesus Prays | Metanoia | Episode 5

    Throughout the Scriptures, Jesus takes time to pray. Jesus prayed before he healed, after he healed, before he spoke, after he spoke, before he ate, and before he suffered. Jesus sought intimacy with his Father, an intimacy that is achieved in prayer. If this intimacy was necessary for Jesus, how...

  • Hunger and Thirst | Metanoia | Episode 6

    Every human person is hungry. The human heart experiences this hunger. Man is created with a sense of incompleteness, with an eternal longing. This longing sometimes masks itself as desire or loneliness, but ultimately all of these pangs nan experiences reveal a deep longing and hunger for God. J...

  • Jesus Calls and Empowers | Metanoia | Episode 7

    Jesus came out of love for the world, but his love for everyone is personal and individual. Jesus loves each person and calls to each by name. He desires to be in a relationship with every person. Jesus’ love is always personal. He knows every person’s name and continually chooses them, despite t...

  • Jesus' Power Over the Evil One | Metanoia | Episode 8

    There is an evil one and he desires to destroy us. The evil one is alive today. Although we do not need to be obsessed with the evil one, we need to be aware that he exists. The evil one is active in three areas; the world, the flesh, and the devil. WE see images of the evil one in the very begin...

  • This Teaching is Hard | Metanoia | Episode 9

    In the scriptures, Jesus teaches and says some things that can be hard for us to accept. We can sometimes run the risk of making Jesus into our own image— emphasizing the things we like and ignoring the things that challenge us. But Jesus is not a caricature. He is a person. It is important that ...

  • Do You Love Me? | Metanoia | Episode 10

    God never gives up on us and always seeks us out in order to love us. God does not force himself on us, but tenderly and patiently waits for us to return to him. The human heart wants to be loved and to love and this loving desire is ultimately only satisfied in God. This love story is the greate...

  • Metanoia Bonus: God Is Close

    Filming Location: Shepherd’s Field, Bethlehem and The Cenacle (The Upper Room)
    Production of The Ministry of the Wild Goose and 4PM Media In Association with Franciscan University of Steubenville
    Franciscan Friars, TOR of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus Province