In this next installment of “Mary’s Visits,” Brother Francis and Sister Imelda tell the story of the three shepherd children from Fatima who saw visions of Mary, later to be known as Our Lady of Fatima. Learn about the courage and faith these children exhibited and how they were rewarded with an amazing miracle!
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Up Next in May 13 — Our Lady of Fatima
The Day the Sun Danced: The True Stor...
In 1917, three children named Lucia, Francisco, and Jacinta experienced a great miracle. While herding a flock of sheep outside the tiny village of Fatima, Portugal, the Blessed Mother visited them, not once, but many times, telling the children great and wondrous secrets that would affect all of...
Our Lady of Fatima
Join Sr. Maris Stella of the Sisters of Life and Dr. Tim Gray for today's discussion on Our Lady of Fatima.
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Against the backdrop of a world engulfed in war, the prophetic drama surrounding a small town in Portugal captures the minds and hearts of believers and unbelievers alike. In this episode learn about Pope Benedict XV and the apparitions at Fatima. Purchase your copy of Divine Mercy in the Second ...