Made for Heaven | Lent with Fr. Agustino Torres, CFR

Made for Heaven | Lent with Fr. Agustino Torres, CFR

2 Seasons

Fr. Agustino Torres, CFR, invites us to join him on the journey into the wilderness this Lent to become holy—because we are made for heaven. Are you ready to enter the wilderness with Jesus to experience grace, freedom, and transformation with our Lord? New episodes will be released every Sunday at 9am EST

Made for Heaven | Lent with Fr. Agustino Torres, CFR
  • Introduction | Lent with Fr. Agustino

    Episode 0

    Fr. Agustino Torres, CFR, invites us to join him on the journey into the wilderness this Lent to become holy—because we are made for heaven. Are you ready to enter the wilderness with Jesus to experience grace, freedom, and transformation with our Lord?

  • Ash Wednesday | Lent with Fr. Agustino

    Episode 1

    Fr. Agustino Torres, CFR, discusses the meaning of Ash Wednesday, the practice of fasting, and how our Lenten practices are intended to lead us to the resurrection—Jesus’s resurrection and our own. We pray, fast, and mark our foreheads with ashes because we are made for heaven.

  • Week One | Lent with Fr. Agustino

    Episode 2

    On the first Sunday of Lent, we hear the story of Jesus’ temptation in the desert. Fr. Agustino explains that Jesus went into the desert to heal what took place in the garden with Adam and Eve. Our own journey into the desert this Lent in which we offer our prayers, sacrifices, and offerings is t...

  • Week Two | Lent with Fr. Agustino

    Episode 3

    On the second Sunday of Lent, we read the story of Jesus’ Transfiguration. In the Transfiguration we see Jesus’ appearance changed, but even more astoundingly we see Peter’s transformation in which he attunes his will to God’s will putting aside his own selfish desires. How will you let the Lord ...

  • Week Three | Lent with Fr. Agustino

    Episode 4

    On the third Sunday of Lent, Jesus meets the Samaritan woman at the well. The woman went to the well to get water at the hottest time of the day when no one would be there because she was ashamed and wanted to be alone. Like the Samaritan woman, we may be tempted to hide from others due to our ow...

  • Week Four | Lent with Fr. Agustino

    Episode 5

    In this video, Fr. Agustino emphasizes that the gospel readings for the fourth Sunday of Lent—in all three cycles of readings—are centered on learning to trust more in the Lord every day. Fear can often hold us back from trusting in God. Our own life experiences of hurt and disappointment can get...

  • Week Five | Lent with Fr. Agustino

    Episode 6

    On the fifth Sunday of Lent, the Lord calls us to pray with greater confidence in his timing. In the gospel reading today, Jesus raises Lazarus from the dead—but he waited and did not act right away. Although this may not have been according to Mary and Martha’s timeline, the Lord was faithful to...

  • Holy Week | Lent with Fr. Agustino

    Episode 7

    In this video, Fr. Agustino rejoices that we have finally made it to Holy Week, the holiest of all weeks! As Jesus enters Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, he also longs to enter the “Jerusalem of our heart.” Let this week be filled with holy services and special liturgies that draw our hearts closer to ...

  • Easter | Lent with Fr. Agustino

    Episode 8

    Christ is risen! Hallelujah!

    Fr. Agustino reflects on the role of Mary Magdalene who was the first to see the empty tomb AND the first to proclaim that Jesus had risen from the dead. Yes, Mary had issues—like we do—but she was there following Jesus. She was faithful. Mary Magdalene teaches us t...