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Lectio: The Case for Jesus - Session 6

Lectio: The Case for Jesus with Dr. Brant Pitre • 34m

Up Next in Lectio: The Case for Jesus with Dr. Brant Pitre

  • Lectio: The Case for Jesus - Session 7

    Session 7: The Crucifixion of Jesus

    Why would Jesus, who preached about the love of God, detachment form worldly goods, and love of one’s neighbor, be so violently opposed that his enemies arranged his execution? In this session, Dr. Pitre looks at the details surrounding Jesus’s trial and Death...

  • Lectio: The Case for Jesus - Session 8

    Session 8: The Resurrection of Jesus

    What is the Resurrection? What do we mean when we say Jesus “rose from the dead”? Dr. Pitre lays out the evidence for the Resurrection of Jesus, focusing on three things:the empty tomb, the appearances of Jesus to his disciples, and the fulfillment of scripture.

  • Lectio: The Case for Jesus - Session 9

    Session 9: Question and Answer

    Dr. Pitre takes time to answer numerous questions regarding the material covered over the course of the study.