John Paul II is Alive: Miracles of the 21st Century (English/Spanish)

John Paul II is Alive: Miracles of the 21st Century (English/Spanish)

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John Paul II is Alive: Miracles of the 21st Century (English/Spanish)
  • John Paul II is Alive: Miracles of the 21st Century

    The canonization of John Paul II has produced more than 15,000 messages of healings or extraordinary events. Two of these cases, involving a mother from Costa Rica and a religious sister from France, have been analysed by prestigious medical specialists. Their conclusion is clear: There is no sci...


  • Juan Pablo II está vivo: Milagros del siglo XXI

    La causa de canonización de Juan Pablo II ha recibido más de 15.000 mensajes de curaciones o hechos extraordinarios. Dos de esos casos, que protagonizan una madre de familia de Costa Rica y una religiosa de Francia, han sido analizados por médicos especialistas de reconocido prestigio. Su conclus...