January 26 —Sts. Timothy and Titus

January 26 —Sts. Timothy and Titus

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January 26 —Sts. Timothy and Titus
  • A Bible Study on the Letter to the Philippians: Part 1

    Dr. Tim Gray and Dr. James Prothro, professor of scripture at the Augustine Institute Graduate School of Theology dive into this short, yet powerful, New Testament letter.

    Grab your Bible and follow along. Dr. Gray and Dr. Prothro are using The Augustine Bible which can be found here

    For an...

  • A Bible Study on the Letter to the Philippians: Part 2

    Dr. Tim Gray and Dr. James Prothro, professor of scripture at the Augustine Institute Graduate School of Theology dive into this short, yet powerful, New Testament letter.

    Grab your Bible and follow along. Dr. Gray and Dr. Prothro are using The Augustine Bible which can be found here

    For an...

  • A Bible Study on the Letter to the Philippians: Part 3

    In this third and final episode, Dr. Ben Akers and Dr. James Prothro, professor of scripture at the Augustine Institute Graduate School of Theology dive into this short, yet powerful, New Testament letter.

    Grab your Bible and follow along. Dr. Gray and Dr. Prothro are using The Augustine Bible...

  • Paul and the Philippians

    There are many hidden treasures packed in this epistle, which will be revealed throughout each session. We begin by looking at the town of Philippi, its first converts, and Paul's opening words.

    Click to view the entire series of Lectio: Philippians

  • Partnership in the Gospel

    We'll explore Paul's circumstances writing under house arrest in Rome. Turning to Paul and the Philippians' relationship, what Paul describes as their koinonia, or "partnership," we'll see a risky and rewarding kind of partnership we are invited also to enter.

    Click to view the entire series ...

  • Friendship in Christ

    Echoing the Old Testament Job, Paul reveals his secret to joyfully share the Gospel despite his imprisonment. Paul then artfully reworks the Greco-Roman ideals of friendship and citizenship, calling the Philippians' to practice true humility.

    Click to view the entire series of Lectio: Philipp...

  • The Mind of Christ

    St. Paul paints a beautiful picture of how the Philippians can have the mind of Christ and live a life in humble obedience, emptying oneself for others. If we live in imitation of Christ, we will also experience the glory of Christ's exaltation by the Father.

    Click to view the entire series of...

  • Imitatio Christi

    God continually calls his people to become more like him. Paul explains how to be holy: by imitating Christ on the Cross in his sacrificial gift of self. Embracing this "loss of all things" is the only way to "gain Christ and be found in him" (Phil 3:8-9).

    Click to view the entire series of Le...

  • All Things in Christ

    After showing himself, Timothy, and Epaphroditus as examples of disciples who model the life of Christ, Paul now calls on the Philippians to model the life of Christ and live out their heavenly citizenship in the midst of a pagan culture.

    Click to view the entire series of Lectio: Philippians