

Heresies have plagued the Catholic Church throughout the centuries. Yet, because of them, Catholic doctrine has grown more specifically articulated. Join Dr. James Prothro and Dr. Chris Mooney as they unpack these heresies and the Church's response to them. This series will showcase the historical context in which heresies emerged, saints that served as counter witnesses, and surprising ways they sneak into culture today!  

  • Introduction | Heresies | Episode 1

    Heresies have plagued the Catholic Church throughout the centuries. Yet, because of them, Catholic doctrine has grown more specifically articulated. Join Dr. James Prothro and Dr. Chris Mooney as they unpack these heresies and the Church's response to them. This series will showcase the historica...

  • Marcionism | Heresies | Episode 2

    Marcionism: the belief that the God of the Old Testament is different than the God of the New Testament. Is this true? Is the Old Testament in opposition to the New Testament? Was Luther a Marcionite? Join Dr. James Prothro and Dr. Chris Mooney as they explain this heresy and how the Church has r...

  • Gnosticism | Heresies | Episode 3

    Are human bodies evil? Is creation redeemed? Join Dr. Chris Mooney and Dr. James Prothro as they dive into the heresy of Gnosticism and the Church's teaching on the hypostatic union.

  • Arianism & Apollinarianism | Heresies | Episode 4

    Is Jesus truly God? Learn about the fourth century heresy, Arianism, and the derivative heresy of Apollinarianism. Both heresies wrestle with the truth about Jesus' divinity. In response, St. Gregory of Nazianzus speaks truth against these heresies in his explanation of Jesus' total redemption of...

  • Donatism | Heresies | Episode 5

    Is the Church only for those who are perfect? Listen to Dr. Chris Mooney and Dr. James Prothro as they explain the nuances of the Donatist heresy.

  • Pelegianism | Heresies | Episode 6

    Can I earn God's love? Does God only help those who help themselves? Join Dr. Chris Mooney and Dr. James Prothro look into the heresy of Pelagianism, the antidotal perspectives from St. Therese, and the radical truth the Church teaches on God's great love, mercy, and salvation.

  • Modernism | Heresies | Episode 7

    We live in a post-modern world. But to understand the post-modern world, we must understand the heresy of modernism. What is modernism? Join Dr. James Prothro and Dr. Christopher Mooney for an informative discussion on the heresy of modernism.