Gospel of Work with Andreas Widmer

Gospel of Work with Andreas Widmer

2 Seasons

What is the purpose of work? Why do so many of us struggle to find meaning in our jobs or careers? In this 8-part video series led by Andreas Widmer, The Gospel of Work wrestles with the significance of work, and how to find purpose in our work, no matter the field in which we labor. Informed by the teachings of the Catholic Church and inspired by what Widmer learned from Pope St. John Paul the Great while serving as a Swiss Guard in the Vatican, this series takes a close look at what Scripture and Tradition have to say about the vocation and meaning of work and the important role it plays in our human flourishing. The sad truth is that 85% of employees are not actively engaged or (are) actively disengaged at work. This series was created to help you get re-engaged and find joy and meaning in your work. Work should be liberating and infuse you with purpose: it should sanctify you! We want you to experience this good news for yourself and to take away the life-giving fruits of your labor. Are you ready to not just make more, but become more through your work? Looking to implement the Gospel of Work course into your professional and personal life? Download the free guidebook created by Andreas Widmer exclusively for the FORMED community: The Gospel of Work: Guidebook to Closing Your Year With Peace.

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Gospel of Work with Andreas Widmer
  • An Introduction | The Gospel of Work | Episode 1

    Episode 1

    When we look at work in the Catholic tradition, it’s not simply a task we get done to get on with life - it IS life! As Catholics, how are we called to engage in the vocation of work? In this first episode, Andreas Widmer and Catholic business professionals explore what it means that work is a pa...

  • The Culture of Conformity | The Gospel of Work | Episode 2

    Episode 2

    How do we avoid the culture of conformity? One of the biggest challenges we face as Catholics is aligning our desires with the truth of the Gospel instead of the culture at large. As Pope St. John Paul II stated, “man is more valuable for what he is than what he has”. In Episode Two, Andreas Widm...

  • The Spirituality of Work | The Gospel of Work | Episode 3

    Episode 3

    Work is an invitation to participate in the creative power of God the Father. Each of us is called in our own unrepeatable way to continue the “work” of creation. Our path to salvation is through our participation in the redemptive work of Christ. In Episode Three, Andreas Widmer explains that we...

  • Prayer | The Gospel of Work | Episode 4

    Episode 4

    Prayer is the cornerstone of The Gospel of Work. In Episode Four, Andreas explains how through daily prayerful examinations, we become more attuned to our daily habits and actions in our work. Prayer develops virtue and roots out faint-heartedness, strengthening us to live out our vocation to wor...

  • Do What is Right | The Gospel of Work | Episode 5

    Episode 5

    In Episode Five, we explore the importance of the virtue of prudence. Prudence is seeing the world as it is and acting accordingly. In order to succeed in our careers and business, we need to make decisions that are wise and reflect the truth of our humanity in light of the Gospel. Each person is...

  • Humility and Detachment | The Gospel of Work | Episode 6

    Episode 6

    Episode Six focuses on humility and detachment, encouraging us to think less of ourselves and worldly materials so that we remain rooted in Christ. Humility gives us the wisdom to understand our strengths and weaknesses (or talents and non-talents) so that we can use our own gifts for the glory o...

  • The Social Nature of Business | The Gospel of Work | Episode 7

    In Episode Seven, Andreas Widmer introduces his concept of CSR: Create, Support and Reward. Work is a reflection of our social nature. When we work, “we don’t just make more, we become more.” We flourish and grow our God given gifts and talents as we provide services for the common good of our co...

  • Unity of Life | The Gospel of Work | Episode 8

    Episode 8

    The final episode of The Gospel of Work emphasizes that the desire for a work-life balance is a desire for unity in God. The good news is that we are able to achieve an integrated life with God and our primary vocation at the center. We can’t compartmentalize our business life (secondary vocation...