GIVEN Forum Talks

GIVEN Forum Talks

6 Seasons

The GIVEN Institute (“GIVEN”) is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to activating the gifts of young adult women for the Catholic Church and the world. We inspire and equip the next generation of female leaders to “receive the gift that they are; realize the gifts they’ve been given; and respond with the gift that only they can give.” Through leadership training, faith formation, and dedicated mentoring, GIVEN forms women for mission and for life.
The flagship event of the GIVEN Institute is the Catholic Young Women’s Leadership Forum (“Given Forum”). The annual event brings together more than one hundred young adult women from across the country for a four-day forum. It is designed for young adult Catholic women seeking leadership training, faith formation, and practical support to better understand and pursue their particular mission and/or vocation.
The following episodes are talks from previous GIVEN Forums.

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GIVEN Forum Talks
  • [OLD CONTENT] The Virtue of Prudence - Father Aquinas Guilbeau, OP

    Episode 1

    How do we grow in the virtue of Prudence? Father Aquinas speaks about this important topic inside the Redemptor Hominis Chapel in the National John Paul II Shrine in Washington D.C.

  • Discerning God’s Voice - Therese Bermpohl

    Episode 4

    God has chosen each one of us and He is asking each one of us to go and bear eternal fruit. In her talk, Therese discusses the importance of living for Heaven—for love, she reminds us of the beautiful reality that God is constantly speaking to us and she provides insight and guidance on how to di...

  • The Importance of Women in Leadership - Kerry Alys Robinson

    Episode 5

    In her talk, Kerry addresses the need to cultivate a spirit of generosity and the importance of recognizing and using the gifts each woman receives for the mission and work to which they are called. She also discusses the role of women of all ages in the life and mission of the Church, as well as...

  • Receiving the Gift of Femininity - Sr. Miriam James, SOLT

    Episode 6

    The Church has a very beautiful vision for women’s dignity. In her talk, Sr. Miriam discusses this vision and what it means for us as women. She explains that women are a gift and that we must receive the gift of ourselves and our femininity. Sr. Miriam reminds us that each and every woman has a ...

  • Casting the Vision - Sr. Mary Gabriel Devlin, S.V.

    Episode 3

    God is working in each and every one of daughters and He is simply waiting for their “yes”. In her talk, Sr. Mary Gabriel, discusses the importance of that unconditional “yes” to the Lord. She explains that God has entrusted so much to His daughters and that it is now up to each one of us to rece...

  • Protecting the Vulnerable Unborn - Jeanne Mancini

    Episode 7

    We live in a society that exploits and rejects the sanctity of human life. In her talk, Jeanne share her personal story of being convinced of the dignity and value of every human life and her experience of the pro-life movement and the work of the March for Life.

  • Standing Up for Human Dignity - Anna Halpine

    Episode 8

    Each and every one of us is called to defend human dignity. In her talk, Anna address the importance of standing up for this truth, as well as tells the story of her inspiration for and experience of founding World Youth Alliance.

  • Discovering Your Gifts and Mission - Gloria Purvis

    Episode 9

    Ever one of us has been given unique and beautiful gifts from the Lord. In her talk, Gloria addresses how important it is for each woman to identify and embrace the individual gifts she has been given, in order to live out her unique role and mission in the world. Through the sharing of her perso...

  • The Temperament God Gave You - Art and Laraine Bennett

    Episode 10

    In their talk, Art and Laraine explain how to discover one’s personal temperament, learn the strengths and areas of growth for one’s temperament, and the means to recognize and work with other temperaments; providing a better understanding of how to enter into healthy workplace relationships and ...

  • Valuing the Wisdom and Worth of the Elderly - Sr. Constance Veit, LSP

    Episode 11

    As Christians, we are all called to care for the most vulnerable and as a Little Sister of the Poor, Sr. Constance has dedicated her life to caring for the elderly. In her talk, she explains the philosophy and spirituality of the Little Sisters of the Poor, as well as discusses the importance of ...

  • The Joys and Challenges of Motherhood - Dr. Jeanne Schindler

    Episode 12

    As women, we have an innate desire to be mothers, a desire that can be lived out in a variety of way, one of them being natural motherhood. In her talk, Dr. Schindler shares her experience of natural motherhood, the joys and challenges she has encountered and the importance of education within th...

  • Responding to the Invitation - Helen Alvare

    Episode 13

    Christ invites each one of us into a deep and intimate relationship with him. In her talk, Helen discusses the importance of responding to this invitation for our life. And she explains that Christ has endowed each woman with an irreplaceable role in His plan for humanity, and it is our task, as ...

  • The Call to Spiritual Maternity - Sr. Mary Elizabeth Endee, FSE

    Episode 14

    Motherhood does not only mean natural motherhood. In her talk, Sr. Mary Elizabeth discusses the call the spiritual motherhood and how religious women experience and live out this beautiful form of maternity.

  • The Emotional Power of Maternal Love - Dr. Margaret Laracy 2019

    Episode 15

    Motherhood is a source of great influence in all our lives. In her talk, Dr. Laracy discusses the emotional power of maternal love. She addresses how we as women can embrace the call to motherhood, even without a perfect experience of their own, and the process of identifying and overcoming the f...

  • Adoption and the Experience of Infertility - Elizabeth Kirk

    Episode 16

    There are many different ways that women are called to live out maternity. In her talk, Elizabeth address the reality and power of material fruitfulness, her experience of maternity through adoption, and her challenge with infertility.

  • Lectio Divina - Sr. Anne Marie McGuan, RSM

    Episode 17

    Lectio Divina is a practice of scriptural reading, meditation and prayer intended to promote communion with God through His word. In this talk, Sr. Anne Maria provides a step by step guide to praying the Scared Scripture according to this Monastic tradition.

  • Shaping Conversations in the Church and Culture - Mary Rice Hasson

    Episode 18

    We as women have a unique and important role in the world and in the Church. In her talk, Mary discusses how women can shape the conversations in the Church and the culture, and the importance of women encouraging and supporting one another, especially when society aims to pit us against each other.

  • The Power of Positive Messaging - Kathryn Jean Lopez

    Episode 19

    We live in a world of technology, a world of social media. In her talk, Kathryn discusses the importance of drawing attention to uplifting media and messages, the many ways she has see women positively impacting culture through technology, and the power that stories and witnesses have to communic...

  • A Physician’s Vocation to Care for the Human Person - Dr. Monique Ruberu

    Episode 20

    We are all called to live out our vocations as daughters of the Father, in a very unique and personalized way. In her talk, Dr. Ruberu, discusses her call to live as a Catholic woman in the medical field and the vocation of a physician to care for the human person.

  • Single for a Greater Purpose - Luanne Zurlo

    Episode 21

    Contrary to popular opinion, single life is often a beautiful and joyful vocation. In her talk, Luanne discusses the need to embrace this vocation and the unique spiritual strengths and graces that the Lord gives to those who choose to live only for Him—to remain single for Him alone.

  • Educating on the Nature and Dignity of Women - Katherine Meeks

    Episode 22

    Millennials have a very unique role in current Catholic Leadership. In her talk, Katherine shares her story of deciding to work for Endow, and her choice to use her gifts for a beautiful and mission-oriented organization.

  • Advocating for Religious Liberty - Montse Alvarado

    Episode 23

    We live in a society where religious liberty is a given—what a gift! In her talk, Montse shares her personal story of working for the Becket Fund for Religious Liberty, her experience of mentorship, and her conviction of the importance of being grounded in prayer, in both your personal life and i...

  • Discovering the Freedom of True Femininity - Laura Wolk

    Episode 24

    Being a woman is a beautiful gift! In her talk, Laura discusses the freedom that comes from embracing the Church’s teachings on women and through her personal witness, she reminds us of the radical idea that our true worth as women comes not from the world, but from our Father’s love for us.

  • Accompanying And Serving Refugees - Joan Rosenhauer

    Episode 25

    Women have a very unique role to play in caring for human life. In her talk, Joan addresses the importance of accompanying and serving the refugees, and discusses the particular gift that women have for accompaniment and advocating for the dignity of every person.