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In the Book of Exodus, God’s presence was contained in the Ark of the Covenant, his dwelling place among his Chosen People. In the New Exodus, God is once more present among his people in the Person of his Son, Jesus Christ. When Jesus is conceived in her womb, Mary becomes the New Ark of the New Covenant, bearing the presence of God.
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Up Next in February — The Month of the Holy Family
Mother of the Messiah | Lectio: Mary ...
The Queen Mother | Lectio: Mary | Epi...
In the Old Testament, throughout the line of Davidic kings, the queen was not the wife of the king, but rather the king’s mother. As a result, King Solomon placed a throne at his right hand for his queen mother and bowed down in homage to her. Jesus, as the fulfillment of the Davidic line, rules ...
The Perpetual Virgin | Lectio: Mary |...