February 22 — Feast of the Chair of Peter

February 22 — Feast of the Chair of Peter

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February 22 — Feast of the Chair of Peter
  • Saints Peter and Paul | Sacred Art

    Dr. Ben Akers and Taylor Kemp sit down with different pieces of Sacred Art to discuss their theological meanings and how they can speak to us today.

    View all episodes of Sacred Art.

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  • Put Out into the Deep: The Making of an Apostle

    The story of St. Peter begins with an ordinary act of trust, which changes the course of Peter's life. By deciding to follow Jesus Christ, an unknown fisherman becomes a key player in God's plan of salvation for humanity. Presented by Dr. Tim Gray.

    Click to view the entire series of Lectio: Peter

  • Capernaum: Village of Coming Consolation

    Presenter Dr. Tim Gray takes a closer look at the town of Capernaum and Galilee, where Peter worked and lived. We'll discover the significance of that geographical area to Jesus' teaching and works, especially in light of the words of the prophet Isaiah.

    Click to view the entire series of Lect...

  • Faith Not Fear: Walking in Trust

    Dr. Tim Gray looks at four stories in Matthew that highlight the conflict between faith and fear. Jesus upbraids and challenges Peter, and the Apostles, with the words, "Oh men of little faith!", pushing them to grow in faith and trust.

    Click to view the entire series of Lectio: Peter

  • Peter the Rock: The Primacy of Jesus

    Jesus takes his Apostles to the northernmost area of the Holy Land, to Caesarea Philippi, and asks them: "Who do you say that I am?" Peter's response, and Jesus' ensuing words to Peter, reveal the identities and missions of both men. Presented by Tim Gray.

    Click to view the entire series of Le...

  • Peter and the Keys: The Primacy of the Church

    What are the "keys of the kingdom"? Why are they so important to understanding Peter's role in the Church? Dr. Tim Gray uses the Old Testament symbolism of keys to show Jesus' intentionality in using the imagery.

    Click to view the entire series of Lectio: Peter

  • In the Shadow of the Galilean: Peter's Rising Leadership

    Dr. Tim Gray takes us on a journey with Peter from Galilee to Jerusalem. On the way, we'll see firsthand the inseparable relationship between the King and the Kingdom, and how Peter acts as a bridge between the two.

    Click to view the entire series of Lectio: Peter

  • Discipleship at a Distance: Peter and the Passion of Christ

    Peter—the "rock," the "prime minister," the man to whom the future Church has been entrusted—is tested. We will learn from his experience what it truly means to follow Christ and to seek forgiveness. Presented by Dr. Tim Gray.

    Click to view the entire series of Lectio: Peter

  • Peter & Pentecost: The Transforming Power of the Holy Spirit

    It was remarkable. St. Peter, who had denied knowing Christ in a moment of fear, is transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. Suddenly the fisherman is the head of the Apostles, preaching boldly throughout the rest of his life and ministry.

    Click to view the entire series of L...

  • Peter bar Jonah: How Peter Came to Rome

    In this session, Dr. Tim Gray shows how the life of a man named Cornelius intersects with Peter's and redirects the New Covenant in a remarkable way. Peter points the Church to an all-encompassing love—and sets the stage for the work of the Apostle Paul.

    Click to view the entire series of Lect...

  • "Quo Vadis?" Peter's Way of the Cross

    Dr. Gray discusses the importance of early Christian tradition in understanding our Catholic story, the cost of discipleship, and the role of Peter as shepherd and prophet. How can we use this knowledge of the early Church to regain our own story?

    Click to view the entire series of Lectio: Peter

  • A Closer Look at Peter

    The Footprints of God series take you on journeys of discovery through the lands of the Bible to meet the key figures in salvation history. Now enjoy Steve Ray’s fascinating conversations with experts on each of the topics, uncovering even more interesting facts.
    Cardinal Schonborn joins Steve t...

  • Keys of the Kingdom: Understanding the Papacy

    Gifts from God is two excellent documentary films, one on the papacy titled Keys of the Kingdom: Understanding the Papacy, and the other titled Confession: The Forgotten Sacrament. Both films feature expert priests and theologians presenting in-depth commentary on these two sublime spiritual gift...

  • Saint Peter

    Saint Peter tells the epic story about the key event in European and world history: the spread of Christianity throughout the Roman Empire, focusing on the leader of that new religion. St. Peter is played by the renowned Egyptian actor, Omar Sharif (Lawrence of Arabia, Doctor Zhivago). The film i...

  • Simon Called Peter by Dom Mauro-Giuseppe Lepori O. Cist.

    "At every stage of my life as a man, a Christian, a monk, an abbot, I have found Saint Peter to be a companion to walk ahead of me... Peter is the Gospel saint who is more 'us' than any other, closer to our own humanity, yet so close to Christ. Peter is the one we can always follow."_— Dom Mauro-...

  • Peter: Keeper of the Keys

    He is called the Rock, the Fisher of Men, and Head of the Church. But how did Peter, a rustic fisherman, come to deserve such honor and authority? Join Stephen Ray as he follows Peter from Galilee to Jerusalem to Rome. Along the trail you'll discover answers about the infallibility of the Pope, p...

  • The Pope by Dr. Scott Hahn

    Covering the Biblical evidence for the authority of the Pope, the doctrine of Purgatory, devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary and the Saints, the Sacrament of Confession, the Real Presence in the Holy Eucharist, and more, the remarkable set is an essential resource for answering the various object...