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Confirmation: Consecrated for Mission

ECHO with Bishop Donald Hying • 4m 20s

Up Next in ECHO with Bishop Donald Hying

  • Proclaim the Gospel to Every Creature

    How do we know today what Jesus really said and taught over 2000 years ago? Where do we go to truly know and understand all that God has revealed? In this chapter, we will be exploring how Jesus Christ himself established the Church as the "pillar and bulwark of the truth" (1 Timothy 3:15) and ho...

  • The First Commandment: Believe in the...

    "I am the Lord your God, you shall not have any other gods before me." This is the first command that God gives to us, and it is the first and fundamental reality of our lives—God is God and I am not. This session will explore our relationship with God and our call to live lives of faith, hope, a...

  • Bring about the Obedience of Faith

    What is faith? For many faith is merely an intellectual assent to something that is believed to be true. However, faith is so much more—it is the full submission of both our intellect and will to God who personally reveals himself to us as he proposes to us his plan for our lives. Therefore, fait...