Even the most faithful Catholics struggle with discernment.
Figuring out what God wants can really stress you out. But when you develop your discernment skills, you can relax. There’s no peace like knowing you’re in tune with God’s will.
That’s why it’s so cool to have Fr. Timothy Gallagher with us! He’s spent years deep-diving into Ignatian prayer and the Rules for Discernment. He’s also written some excellent books of discernment advice, which you’re going to hear from.
If you’ve ever felt like flinging your arms out and yelling up to the heavens “God, what do you WANT?!?” then listen to this!
Up Next in Easter
Easter Sunday | Restore: Lent with Sr...
In this final video of Restore, Sr. Miriam James Heidland, SOLT, reflects on what it truly means to be Catholic.
Sr. Miriam says It is not simply about fulfilling an obligation—such as attending Sunday Mass—but also about living a life that is fully joined to the heart of Christ.
Salvation | The Augustine Institute S...
"Join Dr. Tim Gray and his guest, Dr. Michael Barber, as they discuss Salvation, and the role that faith and works play in the Catholic understanding of the topic.
To learn more about Salvation from Dr. Michael Barber, see his incredible video series Lectio:Salvation and book
The Holy Spirit & the Life of Grace |...
One of the most profound aspects of the Catholic Faith is that Christ sent his Spirit to dwell in the hearts of the baptized. But who is the Holy Spirit, and how do we actively invite him to do what he was placed inside of us to do?