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Lectio: The Case for Jesus - Session 8

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A Bible Study on the Glorious Mysteries: Coronation (Part 5 of 5)

Easter Week on FORMED — (April 18, 2022) • 17m

Up Next in Easter Week on FORMED — (April 18, 2022)

  • Lectio: The Case for Jesus - Session 8

    Session 8: The Resurrection of Jesus

    What is the Resurrection? What do we mean when we say Jesus “rose from the dead”? Dr. Pitre lays out the evidence for the Resurrection of Jesus, focusing on three things:the empty tomb, the appearances of Jesus to his disciples, and the fulfillment of scripture.

  • Does the Resurrection Rip-Off Pagan M...

    A popular objection is that Jesus' resurrection is a rip-off of dying and rising deities within pagan mythology. Should Christians be alarmed by this? Karlo Broussard gives reasons why the answer is no.

  • Is the Resurrection a Lie?

    Are the gospel accounts of Jesus' resurrection reliable? Or did the Apostles make the whole thing up? Karlo Broussard discusses why we can believe the gospels when it comes to their account of the resurrection narrative.