Drawing Closer to God

Drawing Closer to God

2 Seasons

Journey through the Bible with the whole family! Join art teacher Ms. Kim as she teaches children to draw different scenes from Scripture, including the Annunciation, the shepherds' visit, the Nativity scene, Jesus' Passion, Resurrection, and more. With compelling storytelling, Ms. Kim points out key details from Scripture and Catholic tradition.

As kids follow along and learn new art skills, they also learn to see the connections between the big picture of God's story and their place within it.

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Drawing Closer to God
  • Drawing Closer to God | Lent | Trailer

    Episode 0

    Join art teacher Ms. Kim for 10 exciting new Lenten episodes of Drawing Closer to God: A Catholic Art Show for Kids! Follow Christ from the desert to his Passion, death, and Resurrection, learning what it means to turn away from sin and back to God. This Lent, help your children or grandchildren ...

  • Ash Wednesday | Drawing Closer to God: Lent | Episode 1

    Episode 1

    Using the cross marked on our foreheads on Ash Wednesday, Ms. Kim teaches kids about the Fall, our need for a savior, and God’s plan to save us and give us life by sending his Son to die for our sins. In light of these truths, Ms. Kim discusses the phrases we hear on Ash Wednesday: “You are dust,...

  • The Tempation of Jesus in the Desert | Drawing Closer to God: Lent | Episode 2

    Episode 2

    In this episode, Ms. Kim draws Jesus praying and fasting in the desert. She introduces Lent as 40 days when we more intentionally pray, fast, and give alms. She also teaches children about how Jesus resisted temptation from the Evil One and encourages kids to follow our Lord’s example.

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  • The Prodigal Son | Drawing Closer to God: Lent | Episode 3

    Episode 3

    In this episode, Ms. Kim draws the reunion of the father and the prodigal son from the parable in Luke 15. Ms. Kim uses this story to talk about sin, our need to ask for forgiveness, and God the Father’s gift of mercy for us.

    Download the coloring sheets here.

  • The Woman at the Well | Drawing Closer to God: Lent | Episode 4

    Episode 4

    In this episode, Ms. Kim draws Christ's encounter with the Samaritan woman at the well from John 4. Through this scene, Ms. Kim explains how Jesus is the living water that quenches our thirst and gives us eternal life..

    Download the coloring sheets here.

  • Jesus Heals the Man Born Blind | Drawing Closer to God: Lent | Episode 5

    Episode 5

    In this episode, Ms. Kim draws Jesus healing the man born blind from John 9. She explains how Jesus is the light of the world, bringing us out of the darkness of sin and into the light of life. This episode also introduces how Christ saves and heals us through the sacraments.

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  • The Raising of Lazarus | Drawing Closer to God: Lent | Episode 6

    Episode 6

    In this episode, Ms. Kim draws Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead in John 11. She explains Christ's words, "I am the resurrection and the life," and how the raising of Lazarus foreshadows Christ's own Resurrection on Easter Sunday—and the promise of new life for us!

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  • Palm Sunday: Jesus Enters Jerusalem | Drawing Closer to God: Lent | Episode 7

    Episode 7

    Why do we receive palms at Mass on Palm Sunday? In this episode, Ms. Kim draws Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem and the palm branches people waved to welcome him. She explains how Jesus’s triumphal entry shows his victorious kingship, but his victory that gives new life comes through the sorrow of the...

  • Holy Thursday: The Last Supper | Drawing Closer to God: Lent | Episode 8

    Episode 8

    In this episode, Ms. Kim teaches kids how to draw the Last Supper. She explains that before Jesus suffered and died on the Cross, he gave us the great gift of the Eucharist and the priesthood! Ms. Kim helps kids understand how Jesus is truly present in the Eucharist today.

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  • The Crucifixion | Drawing Closer to God: Lent | Episode 9

    In this episode, Ms. Kim draws the Crucifixion, shares what it means for our salvation, and explains why we venerate the Cross. Although Christ’s death on the Cross is sad, it's also victorious and hopeful—Jesus conquers death and will rise again

    Download the coloring sheets here.

  • Christ Is Risen | Drawing Closer to God: Lent | Episode 10

    Alleluia, he is risen! In this episode, Ms. Kim teaches kids to draw our resurrected Lord and his appearance to Mary Magdalene by the empty tomb. She encourages children to reflect on our mission to share the good news with everyone: Christ is risen!

    Download the coloring sheets here.

  • Lent Coloring Pages | Drawing Closer to God

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