A new mini-documentary created from interviews and footage originally taken for Sign of Contradiction. In light of St. Francis’ feast day, the mini-documentary celebrates his life and his dedication to the poor. The film takes a deeper look at discovering where true wealth lies.
Up Next in Documentaries
One Step is Enough: Cardinal John Hen...
One Step is Enough is a biography of St. John Henry Newman, a 19th century British theologian and historian. Newman was raised in the Anglican Church and became an Anglican priest and a professor at Oxford.
Over time he became critical of both the evangelical emphasis on dramatic personal conver...
A Time To Revive
Our world is deeply troubled: wars, terrorism, political and social unrest, family breakdown, mass migrations, moral confusion, and chaos. In the Church: faith has diminished, doctrines are denied, moral teachings ignored, scandals in the clergy cause real dismay and doubt.
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