The most important event in the evangelization of the New World occurred in December, 1531. Over the course of four days, the Virgin Mary, under the title of Our Lady of Guadalupe, appeared to an indigenous convert named Juan Diego. As a result of this encounter, and the image miraculously imprinted on Juan Diego's tilma (cloak), nine million Native Americans embraced the Catholic faith, and the Americas began its transformation into the Catholic hemisphere. Our Lady of Guadalupe's message of love had replaced the institutionalized violence of the Aztec culture and built a bridge between two worlds.
Guadalupe: The Miracle and the Message traces the history of this transformative event from the 16th century to the present. Featuring interviews with leading theologians, historians, and experts on the scientific inquiries into the miraculous image, this gripping film explores both the inexplicable mysteries behind the image, and the continued relevance of the Guadalupe apparition to the modern world.
Narrated by Jim Caviezel.
Up Next in December 12 — Our Lady of Guadalupe
Our Lady of Guadalupe and St. Juan Diego
Follow the story of Our Lady of Guadalupe and her interactions with recently canonized St. Juan Diego. Juan was a simple peasant widower, completing his daily routines, when Our Lady, heavy with child, appeared over Tepeyac Hill in Mexico, and announced other plans for him. Listen to the story of...
Guadalupe y el misterio del verbo enc...
La aparición en el Tepeyac trajo el Hijo de Dios al Nuevo Mundo como lo trajo a la cueva de Belén hace dos mil años. Los sacrificios de las pirámides aztecas han sido remplazados por el sacrificio eterno del Cordero en los altares católicos. Cada señal milagrosa tiene un significado y el de Guada...
Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe por Luis ...
Muchas personas han escuchado hablar de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe, pero pocas conocen la profundidad de su historia. En esta charla, el orador y catequista Luis Soto (quien nació y se crió en México) profundiza en esta gran historia y la importancia de su aparición a un indígena llamado Juan Di...