Tastes Like the Promised Land | Daily Bread | Episode 16
Daily Bread: Discover the Eucharist in Scripture
2m 10s
What did manna taste like? Honey! By giving manna the flavor of "wafers made with honey," God reminds Israel of his commitment to bring them to the Promised Land, a place flowing with milk and honey.
Up Next in Daily Bread: Discover the Eucharist in Scripture
Look at This Bread! | Daily Bread | E...
Just as we keep the Eucharist in the tabernacles of our churches, the Israelites kept the manna in a sacred place to remind them of God's presence on their journey. We can receive the Eucharist every day in our own journey toward heaven, where we will encounter God face to face.
Blood and Water | Daily Bread | Episo...
At every Mass, the priest pours water into the chalice of wine that will soon become the Precious Blood. This sign reminds us of the blood and water that flowed from Christ's side at the Crucifixion. Learn about the Old Testament roots of this practice which foreshadow the sacraments Christ gives...
The Most Miraculous Meal | Daily Brea...
If the manna from heaven and water from the rock in the Old Testament were miraculous, the Eucharist cannot be a mere symbol. It is even more miraculous!