In this stirring episode of “The Faithful,” follow the true story of three shepherd children in Portugal—Francisco, Jacinta, and Lucia—as Our Lady of Fatima appears to them. Even in the face of opposition, the children stand by their story and the message of peace and hope our Lady brings. A beautiful story of faith, courage, and conviction!
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The Pope | What Catholics Believe
Join Dr. Christopher Mooney, assistant professor of theology at the Augustine Institute Graduate School of Theology, as he answers some of the internet's most popular questions about the pope and the papacy.
Why does the Catholic Church have a pope? Is the pope Catholic? Do Catholics have to obe...
The Eucharist | What Catholics Believe
Join Dr. Sean Innerst, professor of theology and catechetics at the Augustine Institute Graduate School of Theology, as he answers some of the internet's most popular questions about the Eucharist.
Do Catholics believe the Eucharist is really Jesus or just a symbol? Why can't other denominations...
The Resurrection | What Catholics Bel...
Join Dr. Michael Barber, professor of Scripture and theology at the Augustine Institute Graduate School of Theology, as he answers some of the Internet's most popular questions about the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. Did the Resurrection actually happen? Was Jesus a ghost when he appeared to the ...