Classroom Content

3 Seasons

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  • Son of Abraham | Word of Life Curriculum for Sixth Graders

    Episode 1

    This is an excerpt from the Augustine Institute's Word of Life curriculum. This episode is specifically from the Sixth Grade curriculum. To explore the curriculum, visit

  • Why A Church? | The Search Begins | Episode 7

    Episode 2

    We most fully, uniquely encounter the love of God in the Church. The word "church" may bring up varied thoughts and feelings for some of us, including negative experiences. But is the Church more than just the people? Truly, the Church is the family of God where we encounter grace in every part o...

  • Am I Saved? | The Search Begins | Episode 6

    Episode 3

    God is so generous and merciful that he enters our messy world to transform us and give us new life. Christ's life, death, and resurrection was the greatest act of sacrificial, saving love in history. In this episode, we explore what it means to be saved. We'll see how our relationship with God i...

  • Who Is Jesus? | The Search Begins | Episode 5

    Episode 4

    The best part of this story is that we can know God's love personally—through the person of Jesus. No one has ever changed the world like Jesus of Nazareth: we measure time by his birth, build churches in every corner of the world to worship him, name cities after his followers. In this episode, ...

  • What's Our Story | The Search Begins | Episode 4

    Episode 5

    Your life is part of the incredible love story of God and man told through the Bible. Created, redeemed, and made holy out of his infinite love for us, we long for union with God in this life and the next. In this episode, we explore how your life fits into this intricate story, giving you value ...

  • Why A God? | The Search Begins | Episode 3

    Episode 6

    Some people claim science disproves God, saying the idea of a divine being is outdated and ignorant. Yet, throughout all of human history, people have looked to something beyond themselves to answer life's deepest questions. In this episode, we'll hear from astrophysicists, chemists, Harvard prof...

  • What Do You Seek? | The Search Begins | Episode 1

    Episode 7

    What do you seek? What does your heart long for? The age-old answer to this question is happiness, but what will make you truly happy? Many people try to satisfy this longing with things like power, money, influence, pleasure, or success... but these things won't satisfy us forever, and we're lef...

  • Who Are You? | The Search Begins | Episode 2

    Episode 8

    To search for the meaning of life, we must first look to ourselves. Who am I? Am I just my body? In this episode, we'll hear from neuroscientists, psychologists, composers, and artists to examine the mystery of you.

    Find The Search Begins Leader’s Kit, which includes:

    - 10 "What Do You Seek?" t...

  • Mary of Nazareth

    Episode 9

    Mary of Nazareth is an epic motion picture on the life of Mary, Mother of Christ, from her childhood through the Resurrection of Jesus. Shot in high definition, it was filmed in Europe with outstanding cinematography, a strong cast, and a majestic music score. Actress Alissa Jung gives a beautifu...

  • Clare and Francis

    Episode 10

    This epic feature film on the lives of St. Clare and St. Francis of Assisi was shot on location in Italy by the Italian film company Lux Vide, the producers of Saint Rita, Pope John Paul II, and St. John Bosco. This outstanding movie is unique among films about St. Francis because of the historic...

  • Padre Pio: Miracle Man

    Episode 11

    This movie captures the Capuchin friar's intense faith, devotion, and deep spiritual concern for others, as well as his great compassion for the sick and suffering. It reveals the amazing details and events in Padre Pio's life as a boy and throughout his fifty years as a friar, dramatizing the fr...

  • Ode to Saint Cecilia

    Episode 12

    Ode to Saint Cecilia tells the dramatic story of a modest young woman from Rome whose life transcends time to influence poets, composers, sculptors, and painters. A patron saint to some, a muse to others, Cecilia has inspired George F. Handel, John Dryden, Henry Purcell, Stefan Maderno, John Wate...

  • The Legends of Robin Hood

    Episode 13

    Hero. Outlaw. Faithful. Rogue. Champion. Vigilante.

    The child of a reputable family and a faithful son of the Church, Robert of Locksley had no intention of becoming an outlaw. But the relentless cruelty and tyranny by the elite nobility of England demanded that someone rise up to give an answer...

  • Brother Francis: The Barefoot Saint of Assisi

    Episode 14

    If you think you know Francis of Assisi, you're in for a surprise. Discover the astonishing life of Brother Francis, the fun-loving son of wealth and privilege who gave up everything for the sake of Christ. As a young soldier, he encountered suffering. As a victim of war, he began a search for in...

  • The Trials of Saint Patrick

    Episode 15

    The Trials of Saint Patrick is the epic story of one man's spiritual odyssey through hardship and loss, mercy, and forgiveness. Dramatized with a fresh boldness by the Augustine Institute Radio Theatre, the characters will come alive through the talents of dozens of accomplished, award-winning ac...

  • God Is with Us | Presence | Episode 1

    Episode 16

    When is the last time you sat down to enjoy a meal with your family or close friends—not just to eat food in close proximity to each other, but to bask in each other's presence and grow in love for one another? For most of us, this doesn't happen at a typical meal. But this is the kind of meal Go...

  • The Story of the Eucharist

    Episode 17

    God is the Master Storyteller. He authors His great love story not only with words, but with deeds. All of God's mighty deeds throughout history make up one beautiful narrative of salvation, which culminates in the Paschal Mystery. Jesus's teachings and actions throughout his ministry prepare for...

  • Bread for the Journey

    Episode 18

    Food is one of our most basic needs. We can't live for long without it, and when we are in need of it, our bodies let us know with a hunger that can be nearly impossible to ignore. As indispensable as material food is to our physical life, the Eucharist is even more vital to our spiritual life. G...

  • Biblical Foundations with Dr. Tim Gray

    Episode 19

    "How can this man give us his flesh to eat?" These words uttered 2,000 years ago are echoed today. The doctrine of the Real Presence presents a difficulty for many people. When we take the time to understand the difficutlies, we become better equipped to help address them. This can be done especi...

  • What Do You Seek? | The Search | Episode 1

    Episode 20

    To offer The Search at your parish, visit our parish webpage which includes a free coordinator manual. Purchase The Search guides and journal at Catholic.Market/the-search/.

    In Episode 1, we open hearts with a look at the question “what do you seek?” What is that deep longing in our hearts all ...

  • Who Are You? | The Search | Episode 2

    Episode 21

    To find clues as to the meaning of life, we first look at ourselves. Who am I? Is there more to me than matter? Is there more to us than meets the eye? We talk with neuroscientists, psychologists, composers, and artists to examine the mystery of you. If you’re just a body, then satisfaction in li...

  • Who is Jesus? | The Search | Episode 5

    Episode 22

    The most beautiful part of this story is this: we can know God's love, personally. This is the person of Jesus. But how did this seemingly insignificant carpenter born into poverty in a dusty corner of the Roman Empire become the most pivotal figure in all of history? Christianity isn’t simply a ...

  • What's Our Story? | The Search | Episode 4

    Episode 23

    Your life is a story. And it’s caught up in the great story of humanity. This great story, as we see it in the Scriptures, shows us the amazing love story that is God’s pursuit of man. The God that is love created so we can ultimately be with his love. We were made to be with God. Union with God ...

  • Am I Saved? | The Search | Episode 6

    Episode 24

    What Jesus did for us through his life, death and resurrection was the greatest act of love in history. He saved us. He did this for each one of us. Personally. But some might feel unworthy of this gift of love. We may feel we have too much baggage. We may feel unlovable. But God didn’t come to r...