Chris Stefanick Show | Real Life Catholic

Chris Stefanick Show | Real Life Catholic

Chris Stefanick Show | Real Life Catholic
  • Leaving an LGBTQ Identity for Christ with Kim Zember | Chris Stefanick Show

    This was quite possibly one of the most profound and impactful conversations I’ve had in my entire life! Truly, Kim Zember is a presence of the outpouring of God’s love.

    So often, people within the church tend to pick two sides of the LGBTQ issue. They ignore the person feeling these attraction...

  • Can This ONE Simple Act Heal Our Society? with Fr. Ken Geraci | Chris Stefanick Show

    How can something that seems so simple be so HARD? Yep, we’re talking about forgiveness with Fr. Ken Geraci, CPM, an EXPERT on the subject. This guy, in opposition to political protesters at a conference we attended together, led people in prayer! But he is the first to say that forgiveness is a ...

  • Letting go of Shame and Embracing God’s Love with Carrie Daunt | Chris Stefanick Show

    Shame. It’s a feeling so universal that it goes back to our first parents, Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. The enemy actually uses shame to make us feel like we’re the only person dealing with a certain problem to keep us disconnected and hidden from our communities and from God.

    Today, I’m ...

  • Proving Religion WITH Science with Fr. Robert Spitzer | Chris Stefanick Show

    Religion and….science?! Yep, you read that right! So many people think that religion and science are incompatible, but this could not be further from the Truth.

    Pope John Paul II said in his encyclical Fides et Ratio that “Faith and reason are like two wings on which the human spirit rises to t...

  • Someone Should’ve Told Us! (Married People Problems) | Chris Stefanick Show

    Are you ready for a behind-the-scenes look at what marriage counseling is REALLY like? In this episode, Chris is taking "Real Life" in Real Life Catholic to the next level. He and his wife, Natalie, got real, raw and vulnerable.

    Natalie and Chris sat down with their friend, Dr. Jim Langley, to s...

  • Have Your Kids Lost Faith? Watch This | Chris Stefanick Show

    Chris hears all the time from parents whose children have drifted away from their Catholic faith either as teenagers or adults. These parents have done everything they can and pray for their children every day.

    There is hope for you. There is hope for your kids! Dr. Michael Sirilla is LIVING PR...

  • Living without Fear of Death w/ Fr. Michael O'Loughlin | Chris Stefanick Show

    Chris got to sit down with Fr. Michael O’Loughlin, one of his great friends. Fr. Michael is the pastor at the Proto-Cathedral of St. Mary in Los Angeles. He recently drove six hours to be with Chris’s mother-in-law in the final hours of her life and subsequently celebrated her funeral Mass.


  • Interview with an Exorcist: This Man is Fearless | Chris Stefanick Show

    On this episode, Chris sits down with his friend, Fr. Chad Ripperger, who is a REAL LIFE exorcist. While this episode does talk about some serious situations, they’re not going to get into the crazy stuff you see in scary movies. Spiritual warfare is a REAL thing and it’s time to put on the armo...

  • A Conversation with Fr. Mike Schmitz: Coping with Success | Chris Stefanick Show

    Today, Chris is sitting down with THE Fr. Mike Schmitz, at his father's cabin! Chris has known Father Mike for a long time, and is excited to share this conversation with you. It's raw, honest, and INSPIRING! We also get a glimpse at his daily routine, and Chris asks him about the source of his e...

  • Fr. Mike's Origin Story: What Nobody Knows About Him | Chris Stefanick Show

    Chris gets personal with Fr. Mike Schmitz in Part TWO of their amazing conversation! If you can’t tell, Fr. Mike’s joy and love for the Lord is SO contagious! But his story is NOT what you would think!

  • Finding Joy in the Midst of Suffering | Chris Stefanick Show

    In suffering we find STRENGTH, and in suffering we find JOY. In this episode, Chris sits down with two students at Ave Maria University who are showing me what this means. One student has a congenital joint disorder, and another who is paralyzed from the waist down from a tragic car accident. Whi...

  • Fire in the Hearts of God's People | Chris Stefanick Show

    On this week’s episode, Chris brings you along for his parish mission in Hawaii, one month after over 100 people lost their lives in the fires. Lots of questions remain to be answered. But for us, we dive into the most important questions: “Where was, and where is God in the midst of all this?”

  • Billionaire Mindset? Interview w/Tom Monaghan of Domino's | Chris Stefanick Show

    In this episode, Chris interviews billionaire Tom Monaghan of Domino's Pizza. We track how he rose from an orphanage to trading pizzas for dental work, to being the founder of Domino's Pizza, arguably the founder of fast
    food delivery, and a billionaire... and then how Mr. Monaghan has spent “ret...

  • How to Kill Your Smartphone before it Kills You | Chris Stefanick Show

    In this episode, Chris travels to Ave Maria University to speak to college students about their addiction to social apps and smartphones. This addiction is leading a generation to new levels of anxiety, discontent, and spiritual ruin.

    But there is hope! Today Chris meets students who have had en...

  • A Murder in Florida & Martyrs Today w/ Gia Chacón | Chris Stefanick Show

    Meet Gia Chacon. Gia is a humanitarian, motivational speaker, and founder of "For the Martyrs" and the "March for the Martyrs." She first began her humanitarian efforts in 2017 and has since traveled to Central America, East Africa, and throughout the Middle East.

  • Sharing Your Faith with a World that Doesn't Want It | Chris Stefanick Show

    In this episode of the Chris Stefanick show, we are reminded of Christ's call to be fishers of men! See firsthand the encouragement Chris gave to a huge crowd in Portugal on how and why to share the love of Jesus with others. Also, hear from some Missionaries of Joy the ways they live out their f...

  • Chris’ World Youth Day | Chris Stefanick Show

    This week, Chris takes you with him to the biggest Catholic event of the year, World Youth Day!

    Watch as he shows you the MASSIVE crowd meeting in Portugal and meets people from around the world!

    After the vlog, Chris talks about the right way to approach World Youth Day, how to deal with negat...