The History of Salvation: God's Plan for His People by Msgr. Dan Deutsch
March 29 — Good Friday
This enlightening talk traces the high adventure of God's divine love story revealed through the seven covenants that span from Eden to Calvary, beginning with Adam and culminating with Jesus. This presentation is the fruit of Monsignor Deutsch's studies during his sabbatical at Franciscan University of Steubenville, where he learned from scholars such as Dr. Scott Hahn and Dr. John Bergsma.
Up Next in March 29 — Good Friday
Holy Week in Rome: A Journey with the...
See how Holy Week is commemorated in Rome. Hear from theologians, professors, art historians, and Vatican officials about Jesus' last days on earth and how those moments have been relived throughout the centuries in Church ceremony and art.
From the washing of the feet to the walk to Calvary, P... -
The Passion According to Saint Luke
In a captivating one-man dramatization, Shakespearean actor Leonardo Defilippis vividly brings to life Saint Luke’s account of Jesus’ Passion, Death and Resurrection. Defilippis transforms himself into a multitude of characters: the treacherous Judas, the cynical Pharisees, and the repentant Sain...
Stations of the Cross by Saint Alphon...
The Augustine Institute presents a beautiful meditation on the Stations of the Cross by Saint Alphonsus Liguori, narrated by Dr. Christopher Blum. This prayerful reflection is accompanied by the Schola Cantorum of Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church, Littleton, CO, chanting the traditional Catholic h...