"Throughout his public ministry, Jesus displayed divine power in the many miracles he performed. Dr. Pitre uncovers a deeper meaning to many of those miracles including the water, wine, loaves and fishes—and how they enlighten our understanding of the Eucharist.
Click to view the entire series of Lectio:Eucharist"
Click to view the entire series of Lectio:Eucharist
Up Next in March 28 — Holy Thursday
The Last Supper and the Cross: The Ne...
What is the connection between the Old Testament celebration of Passover and Jesus' Last Supper with his disciples—and how does that impact the Mass as we know it?
The Mass: Emmaus and the Mystery of t...
"The Eucharist affected the thinking of the early Church in all aspects of its worship and practices. But how did the Apostles put into practice Christ's command to ""Do this in memory of me?"" Two men and the miraculous encounter they had on the road to Emmaus could show us more than we realize....