Angels & Saints | Catholic Saints

Angels & Saints | Catholic Saints

Angels and saints are present throughout Catholic theology and devotion, but what exactly are these beings? What makes a person a saint, and how can I become one? Are angels real, and how do they impact my life? Dive into these questions and more in this series with Dr. Elizabeth Klein and Taylor Kemp.

Purchase Dr. Klein's book, "Angels and Saints: Who They Are and Why They Matter" here:

Angels & Saints | Catholic Saints
  • What Are Saints and Angels | Angels & Saints | Episode 1

    Join Dr. Elizabeth Klein and Taylor Kemp to explore the different nuances of what it means to be a saint or angel, how our use of the word "saint" has changed since St. Paul's day, and how we understand angels and their nature.

    Purchase Dr. Klein's book Angels and Saints: Who They Are and Why Th...

  • Why Does the Church Canonize People | Angels & Saints | Episode 2

    Dr. Elizabeth Klein and Taylor Kemp discuss canonization: its definition, history, and how it works. Why do we honor the communion of saints? What leads to saints' official incorporation into public worship? What about miracles? Learn all about these topics in this episode.

    Purchase Dr. Klein's ...

  • What Are Relics? | Angels & Saints | Episode 3

    Dr. Klein and Taylor Kemp explain relics as a sign of Christian hope and the classification of different types within the Church. How do relics connect with our understanding of Christ's Real Presence in the Eucharist? Why does the Church discourage cremation but approve the veneration of relics?...

  • Choirs of Angels, Archangels, & Guardian Angels  | Angels & Saints | Episode 4

    How do we know angels exist, and where do we learn about them? What are the different types of angels? How do we relate to our guardian angels? Join Dr. Elizabeth Klein and Taylor Kemp to dive into these questions and more.

    Purchase Dr. Klein's book Angels and Saints: Who They Are and Why They M...