Catholics and Protestants believe different things about Mary's labor. These differences can lead to varying presentations of the birth of Jesus in popular movies and shows. Join Dr. Scott Hefelfinger and Dr. Michael Barber as they explain the Catholic Church's understanding of Mary's labor and the birth of Jesus Christ.
Watch the introductory episode of Catholic Commentary on The Chosen here:
*As of January 1, 2023, The Chosen Christmas Special (The Messengers) episode is no longer available on FORMED.
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Up Next in Week 4
How to Be a Sheep | Rooted | Episode 22
Depictions of Christ the Good Shepherd combine two beautiful biblical images: John 10 and Luke 15. Reflect on Jesus rejoicing—the lost sheep found and laid across his shoulders—and how the sheep almost melts into him. The sheep must rely so completely on Jesus’ strength that it becomes one with h...
A Covenant of Love | Rooted | Episode 23
In the Book of Hosea, God speaks of establishing a new covenant—one that will be written on the heart, much like the covenant described in Jeremiah. But here, the imagery is not legal; it’s nuptial. God’s relationship with His people is described in the tender, intimate terms of marriage. This be...
Hidden with Christ | Rooted | Episode 24
When it begins its teaching on Mary, the Catechism of the Catholic Church states: “What the Catholic faith believes about Mary is based on what it believes about Christ, and what it teaches about Mary illumines in turn its faith in Christ.” That’s paragraph 487, where the Catechism begins to unpa...