Marcam and Fr. Mark continue to dive into this special liturgical season by lighting the second purple candle and reflecting about this week's readings.
Up Next in Week 2
Marcam's Christmas Gratitude List | M...
In this episode, Marcam will teach little saints the importance of gratitude in this season! Marcam writes a gratitude list to give thanks to God for all the blessings in his life before thinking of a few gifts he may wish to ask for!
Father and Son | Rooted | Episode 8
We’ve already seen Abram’s faith at work when he left his home and family. In Genesis 22, we see the pinnacle of his faith, which has deepened over years of trusting in the Lord and learning from him. We also see the limits of faith and why it must also be accompanied by hope and love.
Want thes...
Wrestling with God | Rooted | Episode 9
Even in the womb, Jacob is a wrestler. Back in Genesis 25, Rebekah is pregnant with twins: “The children struggled together within her” (Gen 25:22). And then at birth, Esau is born first, but Jacob is born holding his heel—in other words, in the middle of some neonatal jujitsu. But it doesn’t sto...
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