One often hears that Mass is boring. I like to say that if you find it boring, you're looking at the wrong thing. You are probably focused on its structure. Ritual requires structure. And so there is a sense in which Mass is the same: it's supposed to be repetitive! Repetition is absolutely essential in any ritual; and so it is with the Mass.
Up Next in Opening Up the Treasures of the Mass
Unity and Diversity in the Mass
The Church's most fundamental principle in the celebration of Mass is that of unity. She has no greater interest than to foster unity when remembering the great sacrifice of Christ for love of us. Our harmony with one another sacramentalizes our unity with him. Catholics express this unity by par...
Music—Part I
Music, in the mind of the Church, is not thought of as something added to the Mass; rather, music is an integral component of it. The Church describes her music as a treasure of inestimable value–and indeed, how rich is this musical heritage. As a unique combination of melody and word, sacred mus...
Music—Part II
The 1967 Instruction, Musicam Sacram, is the most definitive statement on music in the Mass since the Second Vatican Council. This Instruction both clarifies and articulates the Church's understanding of sacred music. Musicam Sacram describes three degrees or categories of texts of the Mass to be...