Redeeming Our Vision

Redeeming Our Vision

13 Episodes

The pornified vision of life is devastating every segment of civilization. Daily this problem is getting worse, as countless men & women are being programmed by pornified images to reduce others to mere objects, being wounded in their ability to connect deeply on a human level. Is there any hope? YES! In this transformative 12-part series, you will discover a game plan for how those ensnared by pornography can truly break free, and how all of us can rebuild a culture of life, love, and beauty through learning how to see the world as God sees. Come, become one who sees!

STUDY GUIDE AVAILABLE: Redeeming Our Vision is designed to be studied, ingested, and lived. This is HIGHLY recommended to be used in your parish or church as a group study about the pornified culture and how we can break its power FOREVER. To assist you, we have created an in-depth study guide to be used in conjunction with this 12-part video series. To order, visit

Steve Pokorny is the founder of Freedom Coaching and holds an B.A. in Philosophy from John Carroll University, an MA in Theology with a specialization in catechetics from Franciscan University of Steubenville, an MTS from the John Paul II Institute for Marriage and Family Studies in Washington, D.C., and is a certified life coach from the Life Coach Training Institute. Author of Redeemed Vision: Setting the Blind Free from the Pornified Culture, Steve also is an internationally-known speaker, speaking on a variety of topics. He is married and lives with his family in San Antonio, TX.

This series is intended for mature audiences. Parental guidance is suggested. The course and films cover challenging and sensitive topics, so they may not be suitable for a young audience.

Redeeming Our Vision
  • The Septic Tank | Redeeming Our Vision | Episode 1

    Episode 1

    All of us seek something to satisfy our deepest desires. However, if we settle for a septic tank—pornography—our thirst remains unquenched or, worse, we become blind to true fulfillment. Pornography, a counterfeit to genuine desire, ensnares many before they realize its enslaving nature.

    This s...

  • What the Septic Tank is Doing to Us All | Redeeming Our Vision | Episode 2

    Episode 2

    Pornography is altering everything—from how men perceive women to how women view themselves, impacting spousal relationships and distorting the understanding of love and sexuality. The pervasive influence of pornography impairs healthy human interaction, and the effects are palpable. Understandin...

  • The Brain Science of Pornography | Redeeming Our Vision | Episode 3

    Episode 3

    Contrary to conventional thought, pornography is not merely "dirty pictures" or something one can easily overcome. The brain's chemical responses to marital intimacy and pornography are similar, but the viewer becomes addicted, needing more and more, leading to a life-consuming compulsion. Unders...

  • The Undefining of Our World | Redeeming Our Vision | Episode 4

    Episode 4

    The pornified culture suggests that reality can be defined arbitrarily by altering the meanings of words. However, words shape our perception of reality, and altering their meanings renders them meaningless. This matters because living without meaning leads to despair. By examining how the pornif...

  • Recovering the Meaning of Life: Man in the Beginning | Redeeming Our Vision | Episode 5

    Episode 5

    By exploring the foundational biblical passage stating that God made humans male and female, we rediscover the meaning of life. The pornified culture wrongly asserts that life revolves around pleasure and devalues the human body. However, inherent in our bodies is the truth about the call for men...

  • Recovering the Meaning of Life: Going Blind | Redeeming Our Vision | Episode 6

    Episode 6

    As descendants of Adam and Eve, we bear the consequences of their fateful decision. Instead of experiencing love easily, as our first parents did, we struggle with the selfishness of sin. The pornified culture further blinds us to the truth about ourselves, others, and reality. In this state, we ...

  • Recovering the Meaning of Life: The Redemption of Our Desires | Redeeming Our Vision | Episode 7

    Episode 7

    The pornified culture fails to deliver on its false promises, leaving guilt, shame, self-hatred, and distorted self-perceptions. Our attempts to solve this problem alone will fail. Take courage, for we are not alone! God has come in the flesh through Jesus Christ to redeem everything, including o...

  • Getting to the Root | Redeeming Our Vision | Episode 8

    Episode 8

    Conventional advice such as "just don't look at it," or implementing accountability software or technology restrictions, fails to address the root problem: the lustful desire to look. To achieve lasting healing, a change in tactics and strategies is necessary. Are you willing to do what it takes ...

  • Challenging the way we view the body | Redeeming Our Vision | Episode 9

    Episode 9

    The issue with our pornified culture lies not in nakedness but in our inability to truly see. Many of us have grown up blind, never learning how to view the human person or their body correctly. Some objectify the body, pushing erotic boundaries, while others avoid the body altogether. Both views...

  • Plunging Into Beauty | Redeeming Our Vision | Episode 10

    Episode 10

    A common misconception is that beauty is subjective. With this relativistic mindset, if someone finds lustful images beautiful, then pornography must be beautiful. Without a proper understanding of genuine beauty and art, we become susceptible to a distorted view of the body. Renewing our underst...

  • Setting our Vision Free | Redeeming Our Vision | Episode 11

    Episode 11

    If we have been conditioned to believe that intimacy primarily comes through lustful depictions of the body, we become helpless in the face of pornified images. Retraining our vision to see beauty immunizes us against the power of pornography. Understanding the tactics employed by pornographers i...

  • How to End the Porn Epidemic | Redeeming Our Vision | Episode 12

    Episode 12

    In this final episode, we shift our focus to living out our gift of self to build up the Body of Christ and share the hope of God's love with those who do not yet know it. How can we transform the culture with redeemed vision? In addition to the video content, practical suggestions can be found i...

  • Redeeming Our Vision | Promo

    Episode 13

    The pornified vision of life is devastating every segment of civilization. Daily this problem is getting worse, as countless men & women are being programmed by pornified images to reduce others to mere objects, being wounded in their ability to connect deeply on a human level. Is there any hope...