4th Sunday of Advent (Year C)
Opening the Word
6m 17s
Many Catholics are familiar with the story of "the Visitation," when Mary and Elizabeth met. But many don't know why the scene of two expectant mothers greeting each other is so important. Apart from affirming Mary's miraculous pregnancy, the scene also shows Mary's service and humility as she travelled a long distance to assist her older relative Elizabeth. We should ask if we're willing to go the extra mile – or several – to serve others.
Up Next in Opening the Word
July 26, 2020 - 17th Sunday in Ordina...
Today’s Scriptures focus on comparing God’s Word, law, commands, and will with earthly goods and riches. Psalm 119 tells us that while gold and silver are valuable, God’s wisdom is even more valuable. The relative good of precious metals pales in comparison with the good to be found in God.
The Holy Family (Year A)
The first two readings today focus on the relationships with our family. We are told that honoring and respecting our father is of the highest importance and, if we are faithful to this call, we will be blessed by God. When we read the Gospel, the theme changes from focusing on our earthly family...
3rd Sunday of Advent— December, 17, 2017
There are many paradoxes in our Christian Faith. For example, there are three Persons in one God; this God made something out of nothing; God's mother is one of his creations, etc. It can be easy to respond by simply ignoring the discrepancies. But these paradoxes are not meant to be ignored. The...