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The Art of Living: Justice (6 of 6)

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The Art of Living: Temperance (5 of 6)

Episode 5 • 11m


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The Art of Living: Justice (6 of 6)

Dr. Ben Akers welcomes Dr. Edward Sri to discuss his new book, The Art of Living:The Cardinal Virtues and the Freedom to Love, and the virtues generally. In these episodes, viewers will learn what a virtue is, how to grow in them, and how our ability to love is dependent on our pursuit of the vir...

OCIA in the Parish: Mystagogy

Throughout the month of February 2022, the Augustine Institute brought many of the experts of Sacramental Preparation from around the country to Denver to be interviewed by Professor Lucas Pollice about sacramental preparation in parishes and dioceses. If you are a parish leader involved in sacra...

OCIA in the Parish: Purification and ...

Throughout the month of February 2022, the Augustine Institute brought many of the experts of Sacramental Preparation from around the country to Denver to be interviewed by Professor Lucas Pollice about sacramental preparation in parishes and dioceses. If you are a parish leader involved in sacra...