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Confessions of Augustine: Confessions as Scriptural Interpretation (Part...

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The Communion of Saints | Sacred Art

Episode 86 • 22m


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Confessions of Augustine: Confessions...

Dr. Elizabeth Klein and Dr. John Sehorn, professors at the Augustine Institute, walk through the culture shaping, famous work of The Confessions of Saint Augustine. This classic of western literature has shaped thought for over 1,500 years and is a spiritual masterpiece reflecting man's relations...

Meet the Professors: Dr. Ben Akers

How did the professors at the Augustine Institute Graduate School arrive there? What motivated them to pursue years of education in order to teach theology for a living? In these conversations, the professors are interviewed about how they came to the Augustine Institute, what is unique about the...

Bible Study on Galatians: Chapter 6:1-18

Dr. Michael Barber and Dr. James Prothro, professors of Sacred Scripture at the Augustine Institute Graduate School, study St. Paul's pivotal Letter to the Galatians.

Click to view the Galatians series

Grab your Bible and follow along! We recommend the ESV-C...