What the Septic Tank is Doing to Us All | Redeeming Our Vision | Episode 2
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Pornography is altering everything—from how men perceive women to how women view themselves, impacting spousal relationships and distorting the understanding of love and sexuality. The pervasive influence of pornography impairs healthy human interaction, and the effects are palpable. Understanding how pornography affects individuals, relationships, children, marriages, and families is crucial to combatting the pornified culture effectively.
This series is intended for mature audiences. Parental guidance is suggested. The course and films cover challenging and sensitive topics, so they may not be suitable for a young audience.
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Episode 1 | The Spirit of the Liturgy
What does the liturgy have to do with human happiness? Everything. Fr. Joseph Fessio, a former student and long-time friend of Pope Benedict XVI, leads an introduction to the pope’s groundbreaking book “The Spirit of the Liturgy”.
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Dr. Christopher Blum, in conversation with Joseph Pearce, examines the deep Christianity in Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice.
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