Fr. Perez brings us alongside Jesus in the final hours of His public ministry as He brings to fulfillment the very purpose His Incarnation, the salvation of all mankind. Fr. Perez's detailed insights of those last three days offer a moving look into the loving heart of the Messiah and detailed descriptions of his intense emotional and physical sufferings as they really were. With this knowledge, our hearts can only love him more.
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Why God Still Matters by Karlo Broussard
Have you noticed how some of the New Atheists don't even bother trying to disprove God's existence? Your arguments in favor of God don't even deserve a reply, they say, because not only does God not exist—he doesn't even matter.
We don't need God to explain the universe, they say. We don't nee... -
Insights from the Medical & Social Sc...
"Lord, you have searched me and know me" (Psalm 139:1).
The Catechism of the Catholic Church says the "psychological genesis" of homosexuality "remains largely unexplained" (CCC, art. 2357). At the same time, a proper understanding of social and medical sciences connected to homosexuality can he... -
SHADE -- Incline My Heart -- Brother ...
"SHADE" is a new acoustic series featuring the music of Brother Isaiah, CFR. Brother Isaiah offers simple and uncut prayers from the heart hoping these "holy-hooks" might offer you an experience of the Lord's accompanying presence and refreshment in the midst of your day-to-day journey. The pilgr...