Finding good female friends as a wife and mother can be difficult, but the Lord has created friendships to make us more like Christ. In this video, Mallory Smyth shows us how to reclaim friendships in the way God intended them.
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Chapter 24: What are We Trying to do ...
What is the point of alignment? Tim answers with this statement: “If we are going to prioritize evangelization making disciples, then all things (ministries, communications, hospitality, fundraising) in our parish should prioritize evangelization and making disciples.”
Entrusted with the Environment - Sr. ...
Creation is a gift from the Lord and as such we are called to care for it. In her talk, Sr. Damien Marie discusses how the care of creation forms us to treat all life and the natural order with reverence.
Chapter 12: Introduction
In this chapter, Fr. Mark-Mary introduces a new section in which he dives into the practical ways we can begin serving the poor as a parish right away.