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Friendship in Christ

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  • Friendship in Christ

    Echoing the Old Testament Job, Paul reveals his secret to joyfully share the Gospel despite his imprisonment. Paul then artfully reworks the Greco-Roman ideals of friendship and citizenship, calling the Philippians' to practice true humility.

    Click to view the entire series of Lectio: Philipp...

  • Pentecost: Acts 1-7 | Luke-Acts | The...

    The book of Acts shows how God fulfilled His ancient promises to restore His blessing to all the nations through the offspring of Abraham: Jesus of Nazareth. In this video, we'll explore how Jesus and the Spirit renew the people of Israel and prepare them to announce good news to the nations.


  • The Catholic Approach to Politics | C...

    Can Catholicism solve our political issues?

    Society is pretty messy right now. But it’s hard to find solutions that really line up with Catholic teaching.

    Yet there’s a unique Catholic way to uphold human dignity, promote small business, and encourage people to work together for the common good...