Hudson Byblow, a well-known speaker and author, discusses his own experience of same-sex attraction and transgender inclinations. He invites others to experience the fulfillment and freedom he discovered when he came to the profound realization that his most fundamental identity is found in Christ.
Listen as Hudson shares how this deeper understanding of his identity has allowed him to live a life motivated not so much by rules but by love for God, and himself.
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Dr. Tim Gray and Dr. Ben Akers, Associate Professor of Theology and Executive Director of FORMED, answer your questions on this week's episode of the Augustine Institute Show! Join us this Tuesday at 7 p.m. EST for this special Q...
Día 37: "Judas"
"Porque el Hijo del hombre va a morir, como está escrito de él; pero ¡ay de aquel por quien el Hijo del hombre va a ser entregado! Más le valiera a ese hombre no haber nacido”. Entonces preguntó Judas, el que lo iba a entregar: “¿Acaso soy yo, Maestro?” Jesús le respondió: “Tú lo has dicho”... -
The Feminine Genius (Part 4)
Gina Warner and Annette Bergeon, Executive Director of Endow, sit down to discuss the feminine genius. In this series, these two long-term friends will explore St. John Paul II's Letter to Women and his Apostolic Letter Mulieris Dignitatem to draw out the spiritual riches of these texts.
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