The central mystery of the Christian faith is our belief in one God in Three Persons—the Blessed Trinity. This belief has major ramifications about what we believe about God, about his creation, and about ourselves as human persons created in the image and likeness of God.
Read and Study: United States Catholic Catechism for Adults Chapter 5 (pgs. 49-63)
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Ser Cristianos
Aprende el significado de ser un verdadero cristiano; conoce a Jesús y su doctrina de Amor para que, una vez que descubras lo que él tiene y quiere para ti, puedas tomar la decisión firme de seguirlo.
Augustine Institute Bible Conference ...
Parochial and Plain Sermons Vol. 1 by...
All eight volumes of Newman's famous sermons are brought together in this edition that is beautifully printed and bound on Bible paper with a hardcover and red ribbon. Newman's sermons are as powerful, fresh and challenging today as when he first gave them.
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